Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle de Londres

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The Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle de Londres is governed by the AEFE (Agence de l'Enseignement Français à l'Etranger, a vast network with 567 French schools in 138 countries). 3,465 pupils are taught, spread over the main site in South Kensington and the 3 locations of its primary schools: Fulham, Clapham and Ealing.

Since its inception in 1915, the school has evolved: more than forty nationalities now make up its community. One thing has not changed though: its ability to develop educational practices whilst never losing sight of its tradition of excellence. Whichever section it be, British, International, Bilingual, Multilingual or French – this balance of tradition with modernity provides our students with a unique experience in an exceptional environment. For instance, the main site’s historic setting in South Kensington prides itself with Victorian features and World War II memories alongside state-of-the-art IT rooms and science labs, an auditorium, several fully equipped gymnasia, high-tech art studios and music rooms etc. Not to mention the French chef’s delicious cooking; the abundantly resourced libraries and their scholarly yet approachable librarians; or the knowledgeable and supportive Careers Department (annual higher education and career fair, and support for all UCAS and HE applications).

Delivering first-class education, this centennial institution offers various curricula leading towards public examinations (French brevet and baccalauréat, GCSEs, A-Levels) with consistent outstanding results. Typical success rates are 100% for the Brevet with over 74% “Très bien” honours and 100% for the Baccalauréat (67% “Très bien” honours); in the British section, 100% for A-levels (over 52% A*/A) and 100% for GCSEs with 62% 9-7 grades.

Beyond the wide array of mainstream subjects in all fields of science and humanities, students can study and/or specialise in coding, law, economics, geopolitics, digital technology or IT, for example.

They also have plenty of opportunities to engage in individual or team sports and competitions; advance their artistic skills in drama, cinema, art, or music; get involved in charity work or environmental protection awareness…

Pupils receive personalised support by a dedicated international highly qualified teaching team and bilingual pastoral care staff ensuring success for all in a friendly and welcoming environment, promoting self-development and well-being. The Medical Centre even has a resident School Doctor, two nurses, a speech therapist and a psychologist catering for children’s’ physical and mental health needs.

The Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle de Londres educates the global citizens of tomorrow. From an early age, pupils can become class or year group representatives, voicing their peers’ views at formal meetings or helping to organise events promoting their projects from student life perks (student halls’ equipment,  games...) to entertainment events (charitable fundraisers, the talent and fashion shows, concerts and more).

The Lycée is open to the world and its culture. All curricula are at least bilingual, more often multilingual, where pupils can choose from among 9 languages, including Classics. Its community welcomes 46 nationalities and takes pupils on international school trips and exchanges or educational outings. Pupils can also participate in super-curricular projects about the environment (i.e. with Erasmus+ and the Marine Conservation Society), international relations (Model United Nations...) and other “hot topics”. They even regularly get to meet with world key players such as famous journalists, diplomats or politicians, sports champions, award-winning authors, renowned scientists and artists.

The school makes a simple and honest commitment: to offer each child the best conditions to realise their academic potential, to be able to develop and thrive in a peaceful environment and achieve the level of excellence required to access their desired course even at the most competitive universities and higher education institutions worldwide.

Head of School Catherine Bellus-Ferreira confirms: “We nurture each individual with care and help them build self-confidence – this remains our pledge to our families as much today as it has been for over a century."


London 2023
Year Established:
Catherine Bellus-Ferreira
Boys & Girls
School Setting:
Number of Pupils:
Age Range:
Nursery & Pre-Prep
Fee Range (Termly):
£2,600 - £4,000
Exit exams:
A level
Famous Alumni:
Sir Quentin Blake; Paloma Picasso; Claude-Pierre Brossolette; Claude Littner


Attending Events


Nov 2024

The Independent Schools Show 2024
Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle de Londres

Catherine Bellus-Ferreira

35 Cromwell Road, London, SW7 2DG

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Lord Wandsworth College

Hook, Hampshire
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Independent School Parent

Independent School Parent

+44 (0) 20 7349 3700
Independent Schools Inspectorate

Independent Schools Inspectorate

London, Barbican
+44 20 760 00100


Nov 2024

The flagship, the original, where it all began 17 years ago. Friday 8 November and Saturday 9 November 2024 at the London Evolution in Battersea Park, London.


Nov 2024

09:30 AM - 02:30 PM
Taking place at The Intercontinental Hotel, Geneva the show provides families with unparalleled access to leading boarding schools. This November we return to this spectacular venue with 20 leading Boarding Schools.


Nov 2024

09:30 AM - 02:30 PM
Taking place at the Fairmont Monte Carlo, the show provides families with unparalleled access to leading boarding schools. This Thursday we return to this spectacular venue with 20 leading Boarding Schools.