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Cranleigh School & Cranleigh Prep School

Boarding, Day
Boys & Girls
Age Range:
Preparatory, Senior, Sixth

Cranleigh School is a co-educational independent day and boarding school for pupils aged 13-18, situated in the village of Cranleigh, Surrey, just 10 minutes from Guildford. It also has Cranleigh Prep School, aged 7-13, directly across the road, offering weekly boarding from Year 6, enabling siblings of varying ages to be educated together.

It is set in over 240 acres by an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, yet is only an hour from London, where its students regularly enjoy the Capital’s art, drama and other exhibitions. Cranleigh’s academic performance speaks for itself: 51% of all GCSE grades were either 9 or 8 and 9-7 was 73%. A Level results included 48% of grades at A*/A grade and 82% A*-B. Sixth Form students also performed well in the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), with 24% achieving the top grade of an A* and 77% achieving A*-B. Well over 250 students in the Sixth Form take the EPQ in addition to three A Levels. It enjoys a consistently strong Oxbridge performance, and with nearly all pupils go on to University, with over 80% going to a Russell Group University. It is also proud of its committed ‘all-round’ ethos to education. It boasts exceptional Sports facilities and staff (including several former national/Olympic players and coaches), resulting in recent National Championship titles in hockey, riding and rugby. Multiple country and county pupil representations in rugby, hockey, cricket, netball and riding as well. The Music School offers an impressive range of instrumental/ vocal ensembles (e.g. two orchestras, Symphonic Wind Band, Concert Band, Big Band, and Chapel Choir), while equally outstanding facilities for Drama result in “professional-level” productions, supported by a pupil-led technical crew.

The Art department has a huge following, thanks to the comprehensive choice of disciplines available to pupils. And for the more ‘outdoorsy’ types, there is also a wealth of alternative activities to engage in, from rock climbing to cross country. The Good Schools Guide describes Cranleigh as a “an all-rounder’s paradise, yes, but the academic offering can stand up to almost any school in the land.” – and the School takes pride in the fact that Cranleighans leave confident, self-motivated and invariably blessed with lifelong friends.

Head: Martin Reader (Samantha Price from September 2024)
Religion: Church of England
School Setting: Rural
Number of Pupils: 1010 (690 Senior ' 320 Prep)
Fee Range (Termly): Senior '46,000 - '37,000 ' Prep '18,000 - '28,000
Exit Exams: 13+ Common Entrance & Scholarship,A level,GCSE
Famous Alumni: Julia Ormond (Actress), Andrew Roberts (Historian), Ollie Pope (Actor). & Alan Rasbridge (Former Editor of The Guardian)
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01483 273666
Horseshoe Lane
United Kingdom
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