Tom Arbuthnott
Eton College
United Kingdom
Tom Arbuthnott is Deputy Head (Partnerships) at Eton College and oversees the school's strategies to widen access to talented boys from diverse backgrounds. He oversees Eton's strong and multiple relationships with state sector schools and the community engagement programme, as well as the annual summer schools and school communications.
Tom took degrees from both Oxford and Cambridge universities and worked in Brussels and London for a European Parliament think tank before retraining as a teacher in 2004. From 2010-2016, Tom led an award-winning outreach programme at King Edward's School, Birmingham.
An Old Etonian himself, he returned in 2016 as Eton's first Director of Outreach and Partnership and in 2017-18, he served as Chair of the Schools Together Group. Tom is currently leading Eton's collaborative project with Star Academies to establish new state-funded sixth forms in coldspot areas of the Midlands and North.
Blog: crosssectorschoolpartnerships.wordpress.com
Twitter: @arbuthnotttom
Tom took degrees from both Oxford and Cambridge universities and worked in Brussels and London for a European Parliament think tank before retraining as a teacher in 2004. From 2010-2016, Tom led an award-winning outreach programme at King Edward's School, Birmingham.
An Old Etonian himself, he returned in 2016 as Eton's first Director of Outreach and Partnership and in 2017-18, he served as Chair of the Schools Together Group. Tom is currently leading Eton's collaborative project with Star Academies to establish new state-funded sixth forms in coldspot areas of the Midlands and North.
Blog: crosssectorschoolpartnerships.wordpress.com
Twitter: @arbuthnotttom