Susan McLean
Kitebrook Preparatory School
Head Since 2013, Susan McLean BSc, MA (50s). Born and educated in Michigan, USA. Awarded sports
scholarship to Central Michigan University, for BSc in special education. Father English, mother
Canadian, piquing a lifelong interest in travel. Keen to discover British heritage she crossed the
Atlantic for a teaching exchange programme in Winchester. Further academia followed with degrees
in elementary education and psychology, plus a masters in administrative leadership. Taught at The
American International School in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, staying on in Saudi to establish the early
years and pre-prep British International School. A desire to return to the UK saw her take
proprietorial headship of The Old Vicarage, Derby, from 2002-2007.
Perpetually seeking new challenges Mrs McLean decided to leave education for the world of
business but at the eleventh hour her gambit was halted when the CEO of The Cothill Trust asked
her to become headmistress of Kitebrook.
scholarship to Central Michigan University, for BSc in special education. Father English, mother
Canadian, piquing a lifelong interest in travel. Keen to discover British heritage she crossed the
Atlantic for a teaching exchange programme in Winchester. Further academia followed with degrees
in elementary education and psychology, plus a masters in administrative leadership. Taught at The
American International School in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, staying on in Saudi to establish the early
years and pre-prep British International School. A desire to return to the UK saw her take
proprietorial headship of The Old Vicarage, Derby, from 2002-2007.
Perpetually seeking new challenges Mrs McLean decided to leave education for the world of
business but at the eleventh hour her gambit was halted when the CEO of The Cothill Trust asked
her to become headmistress of Kitebrook.