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Sarah Warley

Sarah Warley

Founder/CEO , The Key Clinic
United Kingdom
The Key Clinic is the first practice to bring together multiple cutting edge, drug-free treatments under one roof to unlock children's potential.

A large number of children at school are consistently underperforming relative to their intelligence, despite being offered a first rate education. Instead of propping children up with extra support or telling them to work harder, we investigate and treat the underlying, biological factors which can cause chronic underperformance and low emotional resilience. By removing barriers to learning, you not only get a better return on the considerable investment you make in your child's education, you totally rewrite their future.

Sarah has a BA and MA in Experimental Psychology from Oxford University. She is also a qualified Neurodevelopmental Psychologist; Auditory Integration Therapist and Walsh Institute Practitioner, specialising in identifying and treating the biochemical imbalances which underpin emotional and behavioural problems, such as ADHD, Mood swings, anxiety and depression.

As a mother of four and having lived in the US, Japan, Singapore, the French Alps and the UK, Sarah brings a breadth of experience regarding different evidence based approaches adopted in different countries. She continues to research and train in the latest game-changing methods to unlock potential.