Barnaby Lenon
Independent Schools Council
United Kingdom
Barnaby Lenon won the Cambridge University Prize for Education, taught at Eton for 12 years, was deputy head of Highgate School, headmaster of Trinity School Croydon and head of Harrow (12 years). For eight years he was the founding chair of the London Academy of Excellence, a state free school in East London. He has been a governor of 22 schools and is currently a trustee of the 12 independent and state schools in the King Edward’s Birmingham Foundation. For six years he was on the board of Ofqual.
He is Professor of Education at the University of Buckingham, chairman of the Independent Schools Council and a trustee of the Yellow Submarine charity. He has recently published two books, Much Promise: successful schools in England and Other People’s Children: what happens to the academically least successful 50%? He is one of the most widely quoted educationalists in the media. In 2019, he was awarded a CBE for services to education.
He is Professor of Education at the University of Buckingham, chairman of the Independent Schools Council and a trustee of the Yellow Submarine charity. He has recently published two books, Much Promise: successful schools in England and Other People’s Children: what happens to the academically least successful 50%? He is one of the most widely quoted educationalists in the media. In 2019, he was awarded a CBE for services to education.