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Tonbridge School

Geneva 2024,Monaco 2024,ISS Summer Fair 2025
Boarding, Day
Age Range:
Senior, Sixth

Tonbridge is one of the leading boys’ boarding and day schools in the UK and is highly respected, both here and internationally, for providing a world-class education. It occupies an extensive site of 150 acres in Kent – just a 40-minute train journey from London Charing Cross. There are some 800 boys in seven Boarding Houses and five Day Houses. One of the key strengths of Tonbridge is that it blends tradition and innovation successfully, with high achieving boys wearing their gifts lightly.

The School is renowned for its excellent teaching and for academic achievement. Each year exam results at GCSE and A-level are outstanding, with boys progressing to leading universities including Oxford, Cambridge and Russell Group institutions: the large majority securing their first-choice destination. Tonbridge leavers have also recently gained places (and scholarships) at top US institutions including Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Dartmouth, Northeastern and UC Berkeley and, worldwide, at universities in Austria, Australia, Canada, China and Hong Kong.

In the Sunday Times ‘Parent Power’ Schools Guide 2024, Tonbridge is ranked as the sixth best independent senior school in the country. It is the highest placed boarding school nationally, and the top performing boys’ school based on A-level results. In the Parent Power south-east rankings, Tonbridge is the number one boys’ school and is in second place overall in the region.


Pastoral care is based around an outstanding House system. Strong and positive relationships between boys, staff and parents are central to its success, and the School strives to ensure that each pupil, whether a boarder or a day boy, feels fully at home and well supported. Tonbridge was the first school in the UK to put mindfulness on the curriculum for all Year 10 pupils. There is also a vibrant programme of Co-Curricular breadth and depth, with a wide range of societies covering everything from Beekeeping to Ultimate Frisbee. The School has a strong commitment to widening access and is striving towards doubling the number of boys who receive means-tested fee assistance to be 80 to 100 boys by 2028.


Tonbridge encourages its students to make connections – connections between academic subjects, between different sports and activities, between people, between cultures: with the aim of producing fine minds and good hearts. The School’s ethos is summed up in just two words: ‘Only Connect’.

Event: Geneva 2024,Monaco 2024,ISS Summer Fair 2025
Year Established: 1553
Head: James Priory
School Setting: Town
Exit Exams: A level,GCSE
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+ 44 (0)1732 365555
Tonbridge School
United Kingdom
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