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St Catherine's, Bramley

ISS Summer Fair 2025
Boarding, Day
Age Range:
Nursery & Pre-Prep, Preparatory, Senior, Sixth

Girls at St Catherine’s, Bramley, benefit from the very best teaching, in a happy environment and access to exceptional on‐site facilities. The curriculum is designed to ensure it has breadth and variety.

Academic results place us very comfortably amongst the premier girls’ schools in the country. Our impressive Destinations of Leavers list is testament to the excellent outcomes at A Level, allowing Sixth Form students to go out into the world as confident young women.

We believe that values reinforced through a partnership between school and home build character. ‘Soft skills’ such as teamwork and leadership, develop positive self‐esteem and confidence and are highly sought‐after attributes in every walk of life. And kindness to others – always, above all.

The very successful School House system ensures tutors know every girl and that parents always have a point of contact. The six senior Houses offer the girls opportunities for leadership and responsibility; invaluable when it comes to university applications and employment. The Prep School occupies a beautiful site adjacent to the Senior School where girls, from 4+ enjoy an idyllic environment, sharing some of the Senior School facilities.

A feature common to both schools is happy, smiling faces and lots of laughter. Girls have so many opportunities to find their own interests and personal strengths. Music, sport, dance, drama, art, chess, debating, sailing, equestrianism, Young Enterprise, community projects, charity fund‐raising and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme feature in a long list of extra‐curricular activities. They can master skills in stage‐design, lighting and sound under the guidance of our Technical Director. Musicians benefit from the Anniversary Halls’ impressive acoustics and full orchestra pit. St Catherine’s Dance School offers classes in ballet, jazz, tap and modern dance. Situated within the Surrey Hills, yet close to Guildford, we serve a wide area. Weekly boarders can use bus services from Guildford when coming from South West London making life more convenient for busy families.

At St Catherine’s we support your daughter in building the intellect and character that will help her develop as a bright, confident and vibrant individual. At the heart of this is developing a sense of self-belief, that she can achieve whatever she is driven do to in life

Event: ISS Summer Fair 2025
Year Established: 1885
Head: Alice Phillips
Religion: Church of England
School Setting: Rural
Number of Pupils: 860
Fee Range (Termly): '6.295 (Day), '10,375 (Boarding)
Exit Exams: A level,GCSE,iGCSE
Famous Alumni: Professor J McKeon Professor of Mechanical Engineering Stanford, Dr Goddings Cognitive Neuroscientist, Kiki McDonough Jeweller, Isabel Hardman Journalist,Emily Mueller World Class Sailor, ietra Mello-Pittman MBE Sisters Grimm, Juliet Stevenson Actress, Sian Folley Director of Galaria Mayorial, Fleur De Bray Opera Singer,
Map Preview
01483 899692
Station Road, Bramley
United Kingdom
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