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Stand: 231

NatureDoc is the UK’s largest paediatric nutrition clinic, with a team of functional medicine practitioners, naturopaths, nutritional therapists and coaches spread around the country, founded by Clinical Lead Lucinda Miller, who is the author of two healthy books, including the best-seller, The Good Stuff.

But what has nutrition got to do with education? Quite a lot as it turns out, even for neurotypical children. One study at Bristol University found that children who eat a predominantly processed food diet at the age of 3 have a lower IQ by the age of 8 and a half years old. We find that when a child’s brain is nourished with the right nutrients, they may improve their IQ, focus better, and achieve more at school.

We also support many children with amazing neurodivergent brains and with special educational needs including Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD and Autism with their working memory, processing and focus. We also specialise in children and teens with mental health challenges such as low mood, Anxiety and OCD and help them engage back with education and friends and bring back the joy in their lives. We often work alongside medical professionals to provide a fully integrative approach to complex situations.  

Bringing up children is a rollercoaster ride at the best of times, and this is compounded by the rise in allergies, picky eating, poor immunity, learning difficulties as well as anxiety and meltdowns. When you nourish the mind, immune system and gut with proper food, you are building the health and resilience which everyone needs to stay happy, focused and well – even when life sends its inevitable challenges. Since a child’s brain and body development continues until they are well into their twenties, what they eat now lays down the foundations of their future health.

With our clinic, blogs, books, courses and our online shop, we help to educate and empower parents to keep their whole family healthy, happy and well even if they have a very narrow food repertoire.

In clinic, we typically start with targeted blood, stool, urine & hair lab testing and then advise on nutrition and lifestyle changes based on issues arising from these results.

Lucinda and her team also work with schools to review their school food offerings and to educate their children, parents and SEN staff through talks and workshops. This helps the school to create a culture of nutritious eating as well as healthier happier pupils and staff, which in turn provides an easier educational journey for all.

Children are the next generation. They are what you feed them, and they don’t get a second chance at growing up, so feed them the good stuff one delicious mouthful at a time!

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020 3637 6789
19 Cliveden Place, Sloane Square
United Kingdom
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