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MPW London

Stand: 256
West & South West London
Boys & Girls
Age Range:

Founded in 1973, MPW London is one of the UK’s leading names in fifth and sixth-form education, situated in the heart of one of the most exclusive parts of the city.


We offer a distinctive alternative to traditional schools, offering a broad and flexible curriculum, comprising GCSE, A level, University Foundation and Easter Revision courses, taught in small Oxbridge-style tutorial groups. Each student has a Personal Tutor, who provides them with tailored academic and pastoral support.


We provide students with a relaxed, yet focused atmosphere. They are respected as young adults; there is no school uniform, they are on first-name terms with their tutors and are encouraged to take responsibility for themselves.


Our unique approach is reflected in a highly consistent record of exam results; in 2019, the most commonly achieved A level result was A*/A. Over the past two years, over 500 MPW students have progressed to Russell Group and University of London universities.

Location: West & South West London
Head: John Southworth
Exit Exams: A level
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+44 (0)207 835 1355
Queen's Gate
United Kingdom
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