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Moulsford Preparatory School

Boarding, Day
Age Range:
Nursery & Pre-Prep, Preparatory

Moulsford is a thriving and forward-thinking independent Prep School of 370 boys aged 3 - 13 years. Set in tranquil and picturesque grounds on the banks of the River Thames surrounded by the rolling hills of South Oxfordshire, the school is just 1 hour from central London.

At Moulsford, everything is tailored to how boys learn and play best. Our message is straightforward. We want our boys to receive the broadest possible education, while remembering that they will learn best when happy and settled. Our down-to-earth, family-focussed approach embraces the fact that boys of this age should be having fun at the same time as learning, supported by a cheerful and talented teaching staff.

Top senior schools located nearby

Moulsford prides itself on sending boys to a wide variety of senior schools, finding the best possible option for each individual child and family. In September 2021, 51 boys progressed to 11 schools: Abingdon, Pangbourne, Radley, St Edward’s, The Oratory, Bradfield, Eton, Shiplake, Oundle, Stowe and 1 into Private Tutoring. Fourteen scholarships were awarded in 2020/21 – 5 Academic, 1 Music, 2 Design Technology, 5 Sport and 1 Drama.

Moulsford boys are incredibly well-mannered and considerate of others. Good discipline is hugely appreciated by parents, and senior schools, who regularly comment on the polite and down-to-earth attitude of their Moulsford intake. Old Moles have recently held the following positions:

  • 2018/19 Head Boy at Marlborough College

  • 2018/19 Head Boy at St Edward’s, Oxford

  • 2019/2020 Head of College at Wellington

  • 2019/2020 Head of School at Radley

Outstanding extra-curricular programme

The Extra-Curricular Activities programme recently received a complete overhaul, with a new post of Director of Activities created to focus on this vital area. The river offers multiple water-based opportunities including sailing, kayaking, canoeing, fishing and paddleboarding. During the Summer Term we had over 80 boys on the river weekly. Other popular choices include coding, photography, circus skills, LAMDA, clay pigeon shooting, climbing and parkour.

The Moulsford Awardencourages boys to choose a breadth of activities from each area of Healthy Living, Performance and the Arts, Community / Service, Self-Development and Adventure.

School Life

Moulsford has an enviable sporting reputation, with a number of boys going on to first class sport in later life. Our A to F teams are all equally keen to play and win for their school.

Performing Arts is big news at Moulsford with both the creative and performing arts thriving, with termly opportunities to perform in music and drama.

The Accelerated Reader programme has recently been introduced resulting in reading levels improving across every age group.

Mental wellbeing for both staff and pupils is taken very seriously. An independent and professional counsellor visits Moulsford one day per week and AS (Affective Social) Tracking has been introduced to help identify pupils’ hidden emotional risks and aid appropriate additional pastoral support.

Standalone Pre-Prep

Moulsford’s Pre-Prep is situated in a beautiful, fenced area next to the river, where the boys benefit from a class teacher and teaching assistant in every class. Along with core subjects, boys enjoy specialist teaching in French and Spanish, Music, Games and Swimming. Building is currently underway for a brand new, state of the art standalone Pre-Prep which is due to open in September 2022. This will also house a co-educational Pre-school for children aged 3.

Moulsford is extremely fortunate to have a Forest School site which boys in the Pre-Prep visit weekly. The sessions are always child-led so every time the boys venture out into the woods it is different: den-building, tree-climbing, building a fire safely or learn how to whittle with a knife.

Strong community

Communications with parents is strong. Two weekly e-newsletters provide both a look back, including a weekly ‘Word from the Head’ and a look ahead. The Headmaster’s open door policy and daily assistance on the Zebra crossing mean that parents can have informal conversations, gaining reassurance and a human side to school strategy and decisions.

Moulsford has a very vibrant and dynamic Parents’ Association whose primary objective is to generate funds, which are invested in a range of items for the benefit of the boys. Recent purchases include 3D printers, Goblin car kits, a plasma cutter, ergos, theatre masks and samba drums. The PA organise a variety of events for parents to enjoy including the Headmaster’s Quiz, Escape Room, Bonfire Night, Christmas Fair and the always sold-out Summer Ball. These events are great fun and underline the importance placed on creating a welcoming community for parents and boys alike.

Head: Ben Beardmore-Gray
Number of Pupils: 370
Fee Range (Termly): '4,200 (Pre-Prep), '6,275 (Prep), '7,850 (Boarding)
Exit Exams: 13+ Common Entrance & Scholarship
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01491 651438
OX10 9HR
United Kingdom
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