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Mill Hill School

Boarding, Day
Boys & Girls
Age Range:
Nursery & Pre-Prep, Preparatory, Senior, Sixth

With its aims of instilling values and inspiring minds, Mill Hill School educates boys and girls aged 13 to 18 and offers day places alongside weekly and full boarding. Founded in 1807, Mill Hill is the oldest and largest school in our group, and one of the UK’s leading HMC schools.

Seeking to equip pupils for both present and future life, the School provides a stimulating academic environment and offers numerous activities outside the classroom to encourage learning and personal growth. Committed to the development of every pupil, the school believes that its friendly and supportive community plays a vital role in fostering this growth.

Situated in Mill Hill and set in 70 acres of beautiful grounds, just 10 miles from Central London with easy access to underground and main line stations. The grounds provide a spacious setting for the academic buildings, boarding houses and extensive sports facilities.

Year Established: 856
Head: Mr David Benson
School Setting: Town
Number of Pupils: 894
Fee Range (Termly): £9,025 - £15,500
Famous Alumni: Francis Crick (Burton Bank 1966-1971), Jamie Hartman (McClure 1984-1989), Harry Melling (McClure 2003-2007), Sophia Dunkley (Cedars 2011-2016), Dr Leanne Armitage (Ridgeway 2011-2013)
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Mill Hill School
The Ridgeway
Mill Hill Village
United Kingdom
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