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Kew House School

West & South West London
Boys & Girls
Age Range:
Preparatory, Senior, Sixth

Kew House School, part of the Gardener Schools Group is a co-educational, independent school for 11-18 year olds. We benefit from having a smaller student roll than many independent senior schools which allows us to provide the flexibility and individualised attention needed to enable students to fulfil their potential. 


We take a modern and pioneering approach to every aspect of school life. For example, Kew House School takes a fresh approach to all areas of school life and is not bound by current conventions and practice. Whilst retaining the core traditional values in place at our preparatory schools, bold decisions about curriculum, timetabling and the length and shape of the school day and term have allowed us to align the school with the lives of pupils and parents.  With six hours of lessons per day, Kew House provides its pupils with an extra day's teaching per week in comparison to most other senior schools.


We believe in providing a rich and broad education to all students whatever their specialism, pursuing excellence in all areas whether examinable or not. Whilst we aim to achieve the highest academic results for each student, we will not serve as an examination “factory”.  Our “Individuals in Society” (IS)  course focuses on personal development, emotionally, practically and intellectually throughout each pupil's life at the school via regular, timetabled sessions and extensions of the school day.

Location: West & South West London
Year Established: 2013
School Setting: Urban
Number of Pupils: 550
Fee Range (Termly): 7450
Exit Exams: A level,GCSE
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020 8742 2038
Kew House, 6 Capital Interchange Way
United Kingdom
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