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Kew Green Preparatory School

West & South West London
Age Range:
Nursery & Pre-Prep, Preparatory

At Kew Green Preparatory School, part of the Gardener Schools Group, we offer our children the opportunity to succeed, be recognised and be valued. Our pupils achieve their full potential -  academically, physically and socially - throughout their journey at the school. We instil tolerance and respect for others, we celebrate diversity and emphasise the importance of contributing to society. Our children develop resilience, enabling them to embrace change, question that which they don’t understand and to be brave enough to make mistakes.


We believe that children need to be nurtured, guided, motivated and inspired to allow them to blossom. We are a school of smiles and laughter where pupils grow to have ambition and develop their sense of achievement, their sense of belonging and their sense that, for them, there are no limits.

Location: West & South West London
Year Established: 2004
Head: Mr Jem Peck
School Setting: Urban
Number of Pupils: 280
Fee Range (Termly): 6120
Exit Exams: 11+
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020 8948 5999
Layton House, Ferry Lane
United Kingdom
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