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Holmewood House School

Home Countie
Boarding, Day
Boys & Girls
Age Range:
Nursery & Pre-Prep, Preparatory


Holmewood House is a co-educational, non-selective school for boys and girls aged 3-13 years, situated in a glorious 32 acre estate in Tunbridge Wells. Holmewood provides a broad, well-balanced and challenging curriculum with outstanding teachers, in what is very much a family school where the positive relationships between the teachers and pupils allows staff to get to know and understand the individual learning requirements of each and every child. They foster their talents and nurture their growth through a broad, balanced, challenging and exciting curriculum.

The school wholeheartedly believes that emotional and social well-being, self-esteem, happiness and confidence are of prime importance and are in themselves inextricably linked to academic success. Staff are excited by the curiosity and thirst for learning that each child, regardless of their ability, naturally displays. They work hard to allow each child to ask why, to query and to have the time to develop their thoughts into fresh discoveries and innovations and, in doing so, overcome the challenges faced. The end result is the celebration of learning – a reward in its own right! The wonderful environment and outstanding facilities provide a strong framework upon which the ethos of ‘allowing children to be children’ can be achieved. Childhood is full of exciting new experiences which, parents and teachers relive, through the eyes and laughter of the children. The relationship between home and school is of fundamental importance in ensuring every child is surrounded by the love, care and guidance which they require as they make their way through their educational journey. In short, the partnership allows the children to enjoy the most important journey of all; childhood.

13+ exit to Tonbridge, Sevenoaks, Eton, Wellington, Brighton, Eastbourne, King’s Canterbury, Cranleigh, Benendon, Charterhouse, Hurst

Weekly Boarding chaperone service from Charing Cross/ London Bridge – Tunbridge Wells.



Location: Home Countie
Head: S.G.Carnochan
Religion: Inter-denominational
School Setting: Rural
Number of Pupils: 480
Fee Range (Termly): Day: '1,925 - '6,295 Boarding: '7,290 ' '7,950
Exit Exams: 7+,11+,13+ Common Entrance & Scholarship
Map Preview
01892 860000
Holmewood House School, Langton Green
Tunbridge Wells
United Kingdom
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