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East of England
Boarding, Day
Boys & Girls
Age Range:
Senior, Sixth

Founded in 1862, Haileybury is distinct. Its tradition is as an outward-looking school built on the core value of service to others.

Academic rigour and outstanding co-curricular provision are at the heart of the school, providing exceptional opportunities and an all-round education which allows its pupils to discover enduring passions and talents. A Haileybury education is open-minded and forward-looking, which aims to encourage academic excellence and promote intellectual curiosity. Haileyburians leave as confident, tolerant and ambitious individuals who want to make a difference in the world.

The pastoral care provided at Haileybury is second to none. Our welcoming, warm and supportive environment places pastoral care at the heart of all that we do. We operate an open door policy and work closely with parents to ensure that collectively we do all we can to ensure the personal happiness and well-being of each and every child.

We are creative and innovative in terms of our teaching and our curriculum. As such have partnered with Stanford University and the University of Oxford, to work as part of the global Stan-X study. This allows our pupils the opportunity to participate in this pioneering study of genetics, contributing to efforts to find cures for diseases such as pancreatic cancer and diabetes. We want our pupils to ‘think the unthinkable and the not yet thought.’

As part of our commitment to innovation, we are delighted to be collaborating with Century Tech as one its flagship schools. The platform makes use of artificial intelligence (AI) to understand a pupil’s learning profile and then uses this information to present an individualised pathway which suits the pupil’s learning needs. It also produces rich data that indicates to the teacher the pupils’ strengths, weaknesses and next steps.

The breadth of our co-curricular provision is outstanding; we truly provide an all-round education for all. Building pupils’ confidence and helping them find and express their identity is fundamental to our approach. Pupils can learn new skills, develop interests and discover new passions.

Haileybury is a boarding and day school. Our boarding is strong and getting even stronger because of our family friendly approach. It is modern, progressive and allows pupils to enjoy the perfect balance between home life and school. Our glorious 500 acre leafy campus and proximity to London makes Haileybury stand out as an attractive prospect to pupils from the UK and overseas.

If you haven’t already visited Haileybury, we warmly invite you to come and see what makes our school such a special place!

Location: East of England
Head: Martin Collier
Religion: Church of England
School Setting: Rural
Number of Pupils: 915
Fee Range (Termly): ' 7,870 - ' 12,405 per term
Exit Exams: A level,IB
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01992 706200
Hertford Heath
SG13 7NU
United Kingdom
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