EIFA International School
North & East Londo
Boys & Girls
Nursery & Pre-Prep, Preparatory, Senior
Our mission is to develop internationally minded bilingual students, who will be at ease in more than one culture, communicate in more than one language, respect the views of others and understand how these are shaped. Students at all levels are called upon to think critically, creatively and inclusively by learning to observe, question, and evaluate all options before drawing conclusions.
We are home to 275 students from over 40 nationalities, and we celebrate their diversity and individuality.
We are home to 275 students from over 40 nationalities, and we celebrate their diversity and individuality.
At the heart of our philosophy is that each student will be known personally and valued by his or her teachers and the entire school community as an individual, with unique talents and abilities. In small classes, committed, passionate teachers nurture and build upon students’ strengths, and provide them support when they feel challenged. Our specialist teachers stimulate them to fulfil their sporting, creative and musical potential, which they can further develop by taking part in our exciting extra‐curricular activities and community projects.
As a family of three schools – Little EIFA, Junior EIFA and Senior EIFA – students join us at different stages of their learning journey and, up to Year 8, we accept children who have not yet mastered one of the two languages of instruction, French or English.
At the start of Year 10, students may choose to follow courses leading to IGCSE examinations or opt for the French certificate, the Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB). EIFA is an IB World School offering the International Baccalaureate ® Diploma Programme (IBDP). IB World Schools share a common philosophy— a commitment to improve the teaching and learning of a diverse and inclusive community of students by delivering challenging, high‐quality programmes of international education that share a powerful vision. EIFA’s commitment to promoting multiculturalism and multilingualism means that we are one of very few schools to offer students the opportunity of gaining a Bilingual IB Diploma.
Location: North & East Londo
Head: Mrs Fran'oise Zurbach
School Setting: Urban
Number of Pupils: 310
Fee Range (Termly): Fee range '6540 to '8400
Exit Exams: iGCSE,IBDP