Bryanston Prep
Boarding, Day
Boys & Girls
Nursery & Pre-Prep, Preparatory
Set in the idyllic countryside in Dorset sits Bryanston Prep; a happy, creative and forward-thinking place to learn, full of laughter and the freedom to explore.
Our pupils come from the local area and from all over the world. We take our responsibility very seriously as a fun and supportive home-from-home.
Outdoor adventure and embracing the wonders of our beautiful Dorset countryside setting, is woven into the fabric of our curriculum alongside a commitment to teach empathy, kindness and compassion at all ages.
One year in the strength of the merger between Bryanston and Knighton House is a clear vision: to guide pupils as they develop into confident, curious, open-minded and kind members of society. We do this by enabling creative and rigorous thinking. What they will have learned here matters, but how they learned it matters more. Learning is a lifelong journey for us all. There is a culture at Bryanston Knighton House that celebrates the individual spirit within each child. This will always be at the centre of our aspirations for every boy and girl. Our job is to nurture, encourage and guide every pupil to realise their own abilities and passions.
Our pastoral care is a real strength and we offer one-to-one tutoring for Years 6, 7 and 8, which helps place an emphasis on individualised care and support, for every pupil, regardless of their ability. With our small class sizes, our pupils are known as individuals, their strengths and weaknesses recognised and teachers tailor their teaching to suit them.
We pride ourselves that everyone feels listened to. This helps our school family feel happy, secure and well looked after every day.
Our teachers know every child they teach; their strengths, their weaknesses and their action plan to improve. The individual attention given to each child every lesson adds up to provide a significant advantage for children at Bryanston Prep.
Sport is integral to school life and we encourage pupils to enjoy and experience it through a varied programme, including traditional team games (Hockey, Rugby, Netball, Rounders, Cricket), Athletics, Cross-country running and Swimming, as well as Dance (ballet, modern, jazz and tap), Riding and Fitness. We strive to encourage participation for all in team sports and during the year, every child will play in matches.
Music has been at the heart of our school since its foundation and continues to thrive both by involving everyone and also by stretching the most able through truly individualised study. Singing together as a whole school, class or choir strengthens and enriches our community. Learning lyrics is a super work-out for the memory: other subjects (especially languages) certainly gain from this. Cross-curricular learning occurs as children time-travel effortlessly from past to present and between cultures.
The Art room is a place where pupils can grow and flourish in a secure environment. It fosters a strong sense of community through valuing the worth of each individual and their achievements. Curiosity about the world, the shape, form, texture and colour of their lives, is encouraged in all pupils. Design takes on a more practical approach using the space in a creative yet purposeful manner. Pupils are encouraged and taught confidently to handle machinery, explore the realms of product design and cook a range of basic healthy balanced meals. The overall emphasis is on the process of creativity and the confidence that can be gained through the process of working practically. All children in the Prep school and all pupils in the Pre-Prep take part in drama which helps to develop the ease and unselfconsciousness— it is also a great deal of fun.